Legal Notices

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EVOLUTION 2 MARRAKECH EVOLUTION 2 MARRAKECH 1 Avenue Mohamed 6 40000 MARRAKECH – MAROC Tel. +212 (0)5 24 45 76 68 If you have noticed an abnormality or you would like to contact the principal manager of the website, contact us by email. Pictures credits: SARL 360S Evolution 2 Gil Kébaïli

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The informations provided on are informative. EVOLUTION 2 MARRAKECH cannot guarantee the exactitude, the completeness, the news of the informations displayed on the website. The informations on this website can contain some technical imprecisions or typographic mistakes. The information can be regularly updated and the changes will be incorporated in the new editions. EVOLUTION 2 MARRAKECH can, at all times, without advance notice, update or change the products, programmes or services described on this website. All reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, denaturation, total or partial on the website or of its content, by any manner or any medium is forbidden. All authorized exploitation of the website or of its content, informations disclosed would engage the responsibility of the user and would constitute a counterfeit. Hyperlinks: The website give access to other websites via hyperlinks. EVOLUTION 2 MARRAKECH is not the manager of these websites; it cannot control its content. Consequently, EVOLUTION 2 MARRAKECH cannot, in any case, be held responsible of the content of these websites in this way accessible or of the potential collection or transmission of personal data, cookie installation or any other medium for the same purpose, made by these websites; All public or private website is authorized to establish, without advance notice, a link to the on condition that :
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